Tuesday, January 18, 2011

I want people to question reality

If I were to leave a mark on this world, it would be within peoples minds. I've never been a big fan of wanting to build something extravagant in the physical aspect, but I tend to lean towards the unseen. I have a knack in trying to "blow" people's minds. For me, my mind is "blown", whenever I just don't quite know how to comprehend something. Chris Nolan did this to many people with his hit movie "INCEPTION." He deserves much respect, for taking ten years of writing the story, and then also being able to produce a film capturing his exact thoughts. Personally, I am a film fanatic, and Nolan's way of filming and creating images we perceive as one thing, but really being another just "blew" me away. I like being engaged and engaging others to questionable thoughts in any way possible. It's the way the Maker made me. When I have deep conversations with people, I will not constantly throw out my thoughts without thinking them over. (James 1:19) I like my conversations to end, with the other person and even me to leave with food for thought. I want to remembered as a man that challenged and refined people's ideas and beliefs. With a calling of youth ministry on my life, I am looking forward to engaging the youth's minds and really have them start thinking, instead of just listening, and as they listen, that the LORD will blow their minds. I want the youth to question reality as it is. Can earth really be it? Why am I we constantly searching for more? Is Jesus the answer? ... and as they engage in these thought, the LORD will soften their hearts and open their ears to hear the truth, I will speak into them.

If your mind hasn't been "blown" lately, I hope you will enjoy this video (This is Madd Chadd, my favorite Dancer, his form of dancing is called, "technical movement" aka the Robot)

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